Before restoring from media in the cloud, the BRMS media database must be updated. The following Attention block should be updated in section Recover Required System Libraries to ensure cloud exit program interfaces are correctly registered before the database is updated:
----- Attention -------------------------------------------------
After the libraries have been restored, TCP/IP must be started so BRMS can transfer media required by a
recovery from the cloud.
If you wish to continue the recovery in restricted state, run the
following commands:
STRTCPIFC INTNETADR('nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn')
Where 'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' is the internet address of the
recovery system. nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0
through 255.
NOTE: Use of restricted state TCP/IP requires that 5770SS1
option 3 was installed when the backups were run.
Otherwise, start all subsystems by running the following commands:
This report contains items from a CLOUD backup.
Please run the following program call to set up the CLOUD volumes:
'xxxxx1' 'xxxxx2' 'xxxxx3' 'xxxxxn')
Section Recover User Profiles contains an Attention block to set Restore Command Defaults.
An entry to set the Create parent directories prompt to *YES should be added to the Attention block as follows:
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
Press F9 on the Select Recovery Items display to go to the Restore
Command Defaults display.
__ Ensure the device name or media library device name is correct
for the Device prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVLIB is specified for the Restore to library prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVASP is specified for the Auxiliary storage pool prompt.
__ Ensure *YES is specified for the Create parent directories prompt.
If you are recovering to a different system or a different logical
partition, you must specify the following:
__ *ALL for the Data base member option prompt.
__ *COMPATIBLE for the Allow object differences prompt.
__ *NONE for the System resource management prompt.
__ Select *NEW for Restore spooled file data to recover saved
spooled files concurrently with restored output queues.
Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.
Section Recover All Remaining System and User Data
BRMS will automatically download media required for the recovery from the cloud. Since the system is in restricted state, TCP/IP must be started so BRMS can transfer the media. The following Attention block should be added to section Recover All Remaining System and User Data:
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
If done in a previous step, this is not required to be run again
TCP/IP must be started so BRMS can transfer media required by a
recovery from the cloud.
If you wish to continue the recovery in restricted state, run the
following commands:
STRTCPIFC INTNETADR('nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn')
Where 'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' is the internet address of the
recovery system. nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0
through 255.
NOTE: Use of restricted state TCP/IP requires that 5770SS1
option 3 was installed when the backups were run.
Otherwise, start all subsystems by running the following commands:
This report contains items from a CLOUD backup.
Please run the following program call to set up the CLOUD volumes:
'xxxxx1' 'xxxxx2' 'xxxxx3' 'xxxxxn')
The Restore Command Defaults should be used to specify the correct Device parameter and change the Create parent directories prompt back to *NO.
The following Attention block should be added to
section Recover section Recover All Remaining System and User Data:
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
Press F9 on the Select Recovery Items display to go to the Restore
Command Defaults display.
__ Ensure *MEDCLS is specified for the Device prompt.
__ Ensure *NO is specified for the Create parent directories prompt.
Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.
Section Verify System Information
block should be added to section Verify System Information:
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
TCP/IP must be ended so system information can be verified. Run the
following command: