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NOTE: When the system is in FlashCopy mode, a BRMS synchronization job will not run on the production system. BRMS activity should not be performed on the production system until all steps in post FlashCopy steps are completed. Any update to the BRMS database on the production system via any BRMS activity such as save, restore, BRMS maintenance will be lost. When the system is in FlashCopy state, all BRMS incoming communication from the BRMS networked system will be blocked. BRMS backup information about the current system might be outdated when backup is being performed on the clone system.

b. Suspend storage activity.


  • If storage activity was suspended before the FlashCopy was performed, use the following command to resume storage activity:
  • If the system was powered down before the FlashCopy was performed, restart the system.

23. On the secondary system.

a. Change system attributes and network configuration during manual IPL. For example:


  • At Dedicated Service Tools(DST), change the IP address of Service Tools Server (STS).


  • During the IPL, change the IPL attributes to start system to RESTRICTED STATE.


  • Change the IP information in CFGTCP.

b. Set BRMS system state to FlashCopy mode. Use the following command to set the BRMS system state to the backup FlashCopy state:


c. Secondary system is treated as the primary system in the BRMS network.

d. Complete saves using BRMS.

e. Set BRMS state to FlashCopy backup complete mode. Use the following command to set the BRMS state back to complete mode:


f. Save QUSRBRM and transfer it to the primary system. To save QUSRBRM issue the following command:


34Back on the primary system.

a. Restore the QUSRBRM that was saved and brought over from the secondary system. Run this command:

QSYS/RSTLIB SAVLIB(QUSRBRM) DEV(tape-media-library-device-name) VOL(volume-identifier) SEQNBR(1) ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *AUTL) MBROPT(*ALL)

NOTE: The journal and journal receivers will not be an issue as they were omitted on the save.

b. Use the following command to set the BRMS FlashCopy state back to complete mode:


NOTE: This will start Q1ABRMNET subsystem if system is not in restricted state. This will start all BRMS synchronization jobs.

c. Resume BRMS activities on the primary system.


  1. A system that is in FlashCopy mode can be specified for the From system (FROMSYS) parameter on the WRKMEDIBRM command and BRMS restore commands (RSTxxxBRM).  In releases IBM i 6.1 through 7.2, the following PTFs or superseding PTFs are required:
  2. Power HA Tools for IBM i has a Full System Copy Services Manager (FSCSM) offering which automates the FlashCopy process.
  3. If using the  Full System Copy Services Manager (FSCSM)  (previously called Full System Copy Services (FSFC) ) tool kit version 7.60 or below, the QUSRBRM/QA1ALR file may be increasing in size. This is because of a bug in the FSCSM code. The fix for this can be found here.
  4. Setting a system in Flash Copy mode does not prevent the BRMS subsystems from starting if the system is IPL'd or all subsystems are started.
