Note 3.2: The workspace directory is omitted in the following BRMS PTFs or their superseding PTFs:7.1 SI42066 6.1 SI42065 V5R4M0 SI42064
Note 4: If you run *LNKOMTONL or *LTSOMTONL while the servers are active,you will want to specify the path to the notes.ini file for each server in order to omit them. If you are running Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) version 5 and earlier, you will also want to omit /QIBM/USERDATA/LOTUS/LEI/LCCSMP. Starting at Version 6.01 of LEI, this file has moved to /tmp and the naming convention has changed (LEI server name + LCCSMP), i.e./tmp/LEIMED02LCCSMP.You will need to backup these files when the servers are down. If the transaction logs are in a directory that isn't under the Domino data directory, then you should also add the path to the transaction log directory to this omit list. Anchor anchor4 anchor4