- nn in the control group names is a number that BRMS assigns to the connector for which the control group was created.
Users should not change any of the QCLDBxxxnn control groups. Users may copy the QCLDBxxxnn control groups described above to reflect their own backup requirements or strategies. The new control group can be used in a similar manner as the QCLDBxxxnn control groups but care must be taken to maintain the order requirements for running the control groups, that is, the copies of the QCLDBIPLnn and QCLDBGRPnn control group must be run after the copies of the QCLDBSYSnn and QCLDBUSRnn control groups. Additionally, copies of the QCLDBIPLnn and QCLDBGRPnn control groups must contain at least the entries that are included in the QCLDBIPLnn and QCLDBGRPnn control groups.
If the QCLDBxxxyy control groups in the example above are replaced by user created copies of the QCLDBxxxyy control groups, they must be named QCLDUxxxyy in order for STRRCYBRM to function correctly. For example, a copy of control group QCLDBSYS01 must be named QCLDUSYS01.
Load the following PTFs or their superseding PTFs to prevent failures of *SAVSYS