Help Shape the Future Direction of BRMS The BRMS team looks forward to having discussions with customers to learn how you are using the heritage navigator for IBM i functionality, so that we can continue to prioritize and deliver functionality that matters most to our customers. You can help drive the direction for BRMS by doing one of the following: Vote on the IBM idea related to the BRMS graphical interface, and provide us with information to help us prioritize the functionality that is important to you: What specific tasks are most important to you in the day to day management of BRMS? What specific tasks are most important to you in the day-to-day management of BRMS? What are the most difficult aspects of configuring, managing and monitoring your current BRMS environment? See the IBM Idea to vote and provide your feedback: IBMI-I-2609
Use the following link to contact us if you are interested in providing direct feedback. When providing feedback, let us know the specific details that are important to you. We may use the information you provide to contact you for a follow-up discussion to help drive the direction of BRMS.