BRMScan BRMS can determine if there is enough storage space available for a restore operation before
submitting the job.
When storage size checking is enabled, BRMSretrieves BRMS retrieves the current system threshold value and
uses it as the available storage measurement for the requested restore. If the size of the
requested restore is greater than the threshhold threshold value, BRMSwill BRMS will send an escape message
indicating that the restore was not attempted.
If you are restoring multiple libraries at a time, the size check calculation is performed for the
complete restore operation. BRMSwill BRMS will not restore any libraries unless there is enough space for
all specified libraries in the requested restore.
BRMS calculations are approximate measurements of available storage. This is because the
temporary object handler space that is used by the operating system during restores is not
included. Logical files, the access paths also are not included in the size calculations unless they
are included in the current list of libraries being restored.