Backing up Lotus server data
In order to backup all Lotus Notes databases while they are online with zero synchronization time, use the STRBKUBRM
command to backup the QLTSSVR control group that was created by BRMS.
If you have multiple tape drives, you can use the individual control groups, ie...QLTSDOMxx, and send them down in batch to get concurrent use from your tape library.
You can start by copying the *SYSGRP control group and include the QIBMLINK link list. An example is shown below: (If you are running on a pre-V5R1 system, you will need to create your own link list that includes both '/QIBM/ProdData' and 'QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData *ALL'.)
Group . . . . . . . . . . : RESTRICTED Default activity . . . . . *BKUPCY Text . . . . . . . . . . . Backs up all system data Type information, press Enter.