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Saving PowerHA policies


Code Block
SAVHAPCY PCYFILE('/home/myuser/testpcy_backup.csv')

This saves the defined values for all PowerHA policies in the cluster to a file called test.csv.


Code Block
SAVHAPCY PCYFILE('/home/myuser/test1pcy_backup2.csv') PCY(QCST_CRG_CANCEL_FAILOVER) QUAL('SCOPE(*SITE)')


  1. On the WRKHAPCY command screen, locate an HA policy name and type 9, Save, and press Enter. The Save HA Policy (SAVHAPCY) screen opens with the Policy name, Policy domain, and Policy qualifier fields populated with the selected HA policy name and *ALL.

  2. In the Policy file field, enter the path and the name of the file to contain the saved HA policy and press Enter. All instances of that PowerHA policy are saved to the file name provided.

Steps 3, 4, and 5 show how to save individual instances of a PowerHA policy from the Work with HA Policies (WRKHAPCY) command menu.

3. On the WRKHAPCY command screen, locate an HA policy name and type 12, Work with, and press Enter. The Work with HA Policies screen opens containing a list of all the individual instances of the selected PowerHA policy.

4. Locate the HA policy instance to save and type option 9, Save next to the policy name. Press Enter. The Save HA Policy (SAVHAPCY) screen opens with the Policy name, Policy domain, and Policy qualifier fields populated with the selected HA policy name and the respective domain and specific qualifier values the policy instance controls.


  1. saved to the file name provided.


Tip: The CSV formatted file can be used with the Restore HA Policy (RSTHAPCY) command to restore saved policies to a cluster.
