The following table describes the columns in the view. The system name is CG_OMITS. The schema is QUSRBRM.
Column Name | System Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CONTROL_GROUP | CGNAME | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the BRMS control group. |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | SEQUENCE | SMALLINT | The sequence number of the control group entry. |
BACKUP_ITEM | BACKUPITEM | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the backup item in the control group. |
GLOBAL_OMIT_LIBRARY | GLOBALOMIT | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The library name of the global library omit that was set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no global library omit has been set. |
LIST_OMIT | LIST_OMIT | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | Indicates whether the list item from the object list being used on the backup command is an include or omit. The possible values are:
Contains the null value if no object list is being used. Note: When the LIST_OMIT is null and the global omit library or other library/object/type items are not null, they represent omits on the backup command. |
LIBRARY | LIBRARY | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The library name that is set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no value has been set. |
OBJECT | OBJECT | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The object name that is set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no value has been set. |
OBJECT_TYPE | OBJTYPE | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The object type that is set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no value has been set. |
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE | OBJATTR | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The object attribute value that is set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no value has been set. |
OBJECT_MEMBER | OBJMBR | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The member name that is set for the control group backup item. Contains the null value if no value has been set. |