This migration process will occur during a BRMS maintenance operation. After applying the March 2020 BRMS PTF, maintenance should be run to perform this migration.
The migration process may increase the time for the maintenance dependent upon the number and the sizes of BRMS-managed image catalogs and virtual volumes that exist.
Note: due to the nature of migrating the image files, users that want to implement CLRTMP processing to clear the /tmp directory at system startup should wait to do so until the March 2020 BRMS PTF has been applied *PERM.
Also, in the event that BRMS images are stored in the /tmp/brms/userData/cloud directory for an existing image catalog and the BRMS settings have been changed to writer new virtual vollumes to an ASP which is an independent ASP that is varied off, the migration process will fail and BRMS maintenance will end with the error message BRM3D1CThe migration process will fail BRMS maintenance with message BRM3D1C if the virtual volumes are set to create virtual image catalog entries on an independent ASP the is varied off. This issue can be resolved by varying on the independent ASP and rerunning running maintenance again.