1. An independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP) device can be specified for an *IBM control group entry. In releases IBM i 6.1 through 7.2, the following PTFs or superseding PTFs are required:
7.1 SI54786
6.1 SI54702
2. If native commands will be used to recover objects from saves that were done using *IBM or *ALLUSR control group entries, the native restore commands will fail with message CPF3717 if *IBM or *ALLUSR is specified for the Saved library (SAVLIB) parameter. In order to use native restore commands in this case, *ANY must be specified for the SAVLIB parameter. In addition, if save data for document library objects (DLO) or integrated file system (IFS) objects follow the library save data on the media, *REWIND must be specified for the End option (ENDOPT) parameter.
4. Entries and attributes in control groups *BKUGRP and *SYSGRP can be saved
5. On new installs at 7.1 and above, the control group *SYSGRP will include a QIBMLINK link list that will save IBM IFS data. On existing systems, users will need to edit the control group and add the QIBMLINK link list