Here is what others have been hunting for
- Allow media in movement verification pending to be selected for backup or duplication - Q1ANOVFYM
- Allow movement of media marked for duplication
- Automatically expire versioned media for deleted libraries - Q1ADLTVERS
- Change expired media owner - Q1ACHGOWNX
- Do not allow initializing or writing to media that is not enrolled in the BRMS inventory - Q1AONLYBRM
- Do not check for same system when selecting media - Q1ANOSYSCK
- Eject MLB media during movement or movement verification - Q1APRM
- Force objects to be saved in true parallel - QSRPARFMT
- Maximum number of volumes checked before no media is available error is sent - Q1AREJVOLS
- Prevent multiple save jobs from selecting the same save media - Q1ARESMED
- Prompt if WRKMLMBRM option 6 resets the category of media - Q1ACTGPMPT
- Allow BRMS to select any media class - Q1ACLSNONE
Media duplication
- Allow append of multiple parallel volumes during DUPMEDBRM - Q1AALWMFDP
- Include both original save media and duplicate save media in Recovery Volume Summary Report - Q1AIGNRDUP
- Update create date when writing to media - Q1ACRTDOLD
- Use compaction on tapes duplicated with DUPMEDBRM - Q1ADUPCOMP
- Allow media in movement verification pending to be selected for backup or duplication - Q1ANOVFYM
- Change expired media owner - Q1ACHGOWNX
- Disable re-freeing of auto-retrieved objects to improve performance - Q1AREFREE
- Do not allow BRMS to change the job query time limit to NOMAX - Q1AQRYEST
- Enable additional service information - Q1AUTEST
- Remove the deleted library attention block from recovery reports - Q1ANODLTAT
- Set number of days to retain BRMS journal receivers - Q1APRM
- Allow MONSWABRM to monitor for one save-while-active checkpoint message - Q1ASYNCMSG
- Do not bypass SAVSYS when system cannot reach restricted state - Q1ANOSYSBP
- Force an IPL when control groups end with CPF1099 - Q1AIPLSUB
- Force objects to be saved in true parallel - QSRPARFMT
- Force a serial save of libraries in a backup control group when multiple drives are specified - Q1APRLNONE
- Maximum number of volumes checked before no media is available error is sent - Q1AREJVOLS
- Prevent multiple save jobs from selecting the same save media - Q1ARESMED
- Retain the save output file for IFS saves - Q1ASAVOUTF
- Set estimated size of IFS saves for TSM backups - Q1ATSMSIZE
- How to check or be notified as to what was not saved in BRMS
Lotus Domino Servers
- Disable fast media positioning - Q1ANSTRPSN
- Disable logical block positioning on a tape device - QUSRSYS/deviceName - where deviceName is the device being disabled
- Enable spooled file information to be retrieved from systems at a release prior to V5R4M0 using WRKMEDIBRM option 9 - Q1APRVSPLF
- Ignore case sensitivity when searching for specific links with WRKLNKBRM - Q1ALNKIGN
- Include both original save media and duplicate save media in Recovery Volume Summary Report - Q1AIGNRDUP
- Remove the deleted library attention block from recovery reports - Q1ANODLTAT
- Restore spooled files that was saved in a different time zone - Q1ASPLTMZN
- Search specific links with WRKLNKBRM - Q1ALNKFIL
- Specify an IASP during a restore - Q1ASAVASP
- Use APYJRNCHGX during journal recoveries - Q1AAPYJRNX