BRMS 7.5 ships with a functional usage of *DENIED. This has changed from previous versions that shipped BRMS with functional usage of *ALLOWED. Use the SETUSRBRM command as a starting point to grant system operators and administrators access to BRMS functions and components, then use the functional usage model to customize access by user.
When new items which are registered with functional usage are added into BRMS (for example, new devices, media classes, media policies, control groups, etc.), the default usage of these new items are not generated automatically based on current user access.
Add functional usage for the new items using either the SETUSRBRM command to grant system operators and administrators access or use the functional usage model to grant customized access by user.
After SI84133 or superseding PTFs are applied, and a SETUSRBRM command has been run for each BRMS authorized user, BRMS will manage authorization for those users when new BRMS items are created.
When using a BRMS network, the functional usage for new items will need to be done on each individual system in the network.