Adding Disk Units to a HyperSwap Configuration

Adding Disk Units to a HyperSwap Configuration

Learn how to add additional disk units to an existing HyperSwap configuration

Before you begin

These steps assume the user has experience configuring and managing an IBM® System Storage® DS8000® and has a functioning HyperSwap configuration running.

About this task

Either the SYSBAS volumes or the IASP volumes of your high availability HyperSwap configuration might require additional storage capacity. If your established HyperSwap environment requires additional disk units for more capacity, complete the following procedure to add units to the system or an existing IASP in a HyperSwap environment:


1. To add new disk units to the system, user, or independent ASP, first create the new disk units (LUNs) on the source DS8000 storage controller.

2. Assign these LUNs on the source DS8000 storage controller to the IBM i.

3. Initialize and format the new non-configured units.

  1. From the IBM i command line, type STRSST and press enter to start System service tools (SST).

  2. Sign on to SST with your service tools user ID and password.

  3. Select option 3 (Work with disk units).

  4. Select option 3 (Work with disk unit recovery).

  5. Select option 2 (Disk unit problem recovery procedures).

  6. Select option 1 (Initialize and format disk unit).

  7. Select option 1 on the new non-configured disk units that will be added to the ASP.

  8. Press F10 to confirm the choice to initialize and format the disk units.

  9. Exit the System Service tools.

4. Create the new LUNs on the HyperSwap target DS8000 storage controller.

Important: Do not assign the newly created HyperSwap target LUNs to the IBM i yet.

5. Configure HyperSwap replication for the new LUNs:

  1. Configure Metro Mirror between the new source and target DS8000 LUNs using the mkpprc command from DSCLI. An example of the mkpprc command is shown below:
    mkpprc -dev IBM.2107-75ABC11 -remotedev IBM.2107-75DEF21 -type mmir -mode full 1000:2000

  2. Wait for the replication for the volumes to get to a state of Full Duplex by monitoring the progress with the lspprc command from DSCLI. An example of the lspprc command is:
    lspprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75DEF21 1000:2000


The IBM Copy Services Manager Storage Controller must be updated to replicate the new volume.

  1. Configure Metro Mirror between the new HyperSwap source and HyperSwap target DS8000 LUNs using the mkpprc command from DSCLI. An example of the mkpprc command is shown below:
    mkpprc -dev IBM.2107-75ABC11 -remotedev IBM.2107-75DEF21 -type mmir -mode full 1000:2000

  2. Configure Global Copy between the new HyperSwap source and Global Mirror target DS8000 LUNs using the mkpprc command from DSCLI. An example of the mkpprc command for the Global Copy link is:
    mkpprc -dev IBM.2107-75ABC11 -remotedev IBM.2107-75GHI31 -type gcp -mode full 1000:3000

  3. Wait for the replication for the HyperSwap volumes to get to a state of Full Duplex by monitoring the progress with the lspprc command from DSCLI. An example of the lspprc command looks like:
    lspprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75DEF21 1000:2000

  4. Wait for the replication for the Global Copy volumes to have a first pass status of True by monitoring the progress with the lspprc command with the -l option from DSCLI. An example of the lspprc command is:
    lspprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75HGI31 -l 1000:3000

  5. Use the Add copy sets wizard on the IBM Copy Services Manager (CSM) Storage Controller to add the new volumes and new consistency group volumes to the session on the CSM storage controller.

6. Assign the target LUNs to the same IBM i partition.

7. Verify with the Work with HyperSwap Status (WRKHYSSTS) command that HyperSwap is currently active for the ASP the units will be added to. In the example below, HyperSwap status is active for all ASP devices shown on the Work with HyperSwap Status display:

8. Add the new units to the ASP using SST:

  1. From the IBM i command line, type STRSST and press enter to start System service tools (SST).

  2. Sign on to SST with your service tools user ID and password.

  3. Select option 3 (Work with disk units).

  4. Select option 2 (Work with disk configuration).

  5. Select option 2 (Add units to ASPs).

  6. Select option 3 (Add units to existing ASPs).

  7. Enter the ASP number of the existing ASP to add units to, using 1 for the system ASP (*SYSBAS), 2-32 for user ASPs, or the ASP number of the independent ASP for an independent ASP.

  8. Confirm the choice to add disk units.

  9. Exit the System Service Tools.

9. Verify with the Work with HyperSwap Status (WRKHYSSTS) command that HyperSwap is currently active for the ASP that units were added.

Tip: Using option 5 on an ASP device on the Work with HyperSwap status display will show the individual disk units. The new LUNs are now visible on this display.

10 . If using either HyperSwap with LUN Level Switching or HyperSwap with Global Mirror complete the following additional steps to enable PowerHA management of the new LUNs:

PowerHA uses an Auxiliary Storage Pool Copy Description (ASPCPYD) to manage the LUN Level Switching environment. The copy description must be updated with the new volume information

Use the Change ASP Copy Description (CHGASPCPYD) command to update the following fields:

  1. Logical unit name (LUN) parameter element two (Logical Unit Range) to include the additional LUNs from the source DS8000 storage controller

  2. If the new LUNs are attached to an additional host connection in the source DS8000 storage controller, update the Recovery domain (RCYDMN) parameter with the new host identifier information for all nodes in the cluster resource group site represented by the copy description.

  3. Second logical unit name (LUN2) parameter element two (Logical Unit Range) to include the additional LUNs from the target DS8000 storage controller.

  4. If the new LUNs are attached to an additional host connection in the target DS8000 storage controller, update the Recovery domain (RCYDMN) parameter with the new host identifier information for all nodes in the cluster resource group site represented by the copy description.


The expanded storage in your HyperSwap environment on your IBM i partition is available for use.

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