Considerations When Migrating Libraries

Considerations When Migrating Libraries

When using BRMS to migrate objects or libraries, the following should be considered


  • Data queue entries are not moved and will be lost.
  • The QSYSWRK subsystem must be active.
  • A library cannot be moved in the following cases:
    • The library is considered a system library. The restricted libraries are:
      • Any library with a name that begins with the letter 'Q'.
      • Any library with a name that begins with the symbol '#' that is not considered a user library and the target ASP is not a basic user ASP.
      • Library SYSIBM.
      • Library SYSIBxxxxx (where xxxxx is the number of a primary ASP).
    • The library cannot be renamed. See the RNMOBJ (Rename Object) Control Language (CL) information in the iSeries Information Center for the restrictions on renaming a library.
    • The library contains *JRN or *JRNRCV objects or objects that are journaled.
    • The library contains files with database dependencies outside the library.
    • The library is in the library list of the current thread.
    • The library is in the library list of any primary thread that is active on the system when the QLIBLCKLVL system value is set to lock libraries in the library list.
    • The library contains an allocated job queue or output queue.
    • The target ASP does not have enough space for the library and its objects.
    • The target ASP is not either the system ASP (ASP 1), a library-type or empty basic user ASP (ASPs 2-32), or a primary or secondary ASP (ASPs 33-255).
    • When the target ASP is a primary or secondary ASP, the library must contain only object types that can reside in an ASP. For a list of supported and unsupported object types in a primary or secondary ASP see the Independent disk pools topic.
    • The library cannot be accessed while it is been moved.
    • The library size is 1 terabyte (TB) or larger.  The migration operation fails with messages MCH1210 and RNQ0103. 

Authorities and Locks

Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) Device Authority

*USE authority for each auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device in the ASP group when a specific ASP device name is specified for the source or target auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name or when a value greater than 32 is specified for the source or target auxiliary storage pool (ASP) number.

Object Authority

See Authority required for objects used by commands in the Security reference topic collection for detailed information about object authorities required when you save objects.

Library Authority


Object Lock

See the Backing up your system topic collection for detailed information about locks that are applied to objects during save operations.

Library Lock

 To prevent access to other jobs, the library is renamed to QHSMLIBxxx where xxx is a numeric increment to allow multiple concurrent move operations.

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