The Recovery Report

The Recovery Report

Learn about the BRMS recovery report and how to modify it for the needs of your system

These articles contain tips for customizing the BRMS recovery report to fit your needs:

Avoid Library Spanning

When reviewing your recovery report, it is critical to check if libraries QSYS2, QUSRSYS, or QGPL span volumes.  Depending on where the span occurs, it may be an object that is needed by the operating system to process the volume switch which may make the library unrecoverable.  If any of these libraries span, you should adjust your backup strategy to make every effort to avoid a volume span to ensure a successful recovery.

The Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) command can be used to generate a recovery report (QP1ARCY).  The recovery report is a list of steps that are required to recover data on an IBM i.  It is important to generated a recovery report each time a backup has completed so if a recovery is required the report can be used as a guide.  The report should be saved/stored in a safe place.

Listing libraries that have not been saved from IASPs

In releases IBM i 7.2 and above, the BRMS recovery report (QP1ARCY) has been enhanced to list libraries from independent auxiliary storage pools (IASP) that have not been saved using BRMS.  


  1. The libraries  do not have to be in an IASP associated with the current job to be listed.
  2. Libraries will only be listed from IASPs that are varied on and available.
  3. Libraries from IASPs that have not been saved can be removed from the recovery report by running the following command:
  4. In release IBM i 7.2, to include a list of libraries from IASPs that have not been saved, the following PTF or a superseding PTF is required:
          7.2 SI52668

Additional information about the recovery report

Saving objects in QSYS library

If individual objects in QSYS are saved using SAVOBJBRM, and object list or SAVOBJ to a BRMS enrolled volume, these entries will be listed on the BRMS recovery report until the item expires. Full system saves or a *SAVSYS done after the save of QSYS objects will not remove the item(s) from the recovery report.

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