7.4 HA 4.5.1 & 7.2 HA 3.7 PTFs

7.4 HA 4.5.1 & 7.2 HA 3.7 PTFs

PowerHA has been enhanced with 1. Deployment Automation 2. FlashCopy Automation and 3. Switchover Progress Monitoring

PowerHA for IBM i 7.2 with HA version 3.7 and 7.4 with HA version 4.5.1 provides enhanced automation and integrated monitoring capabilities. Highlights of the release include:

  • FlashCopy Automation for spectrum virtualize-based storage (including IBM FlashSystems).

  • New detailed progress monitoring during switchover and failover operations in PowerHA 7.4.

  • Enhanced Deployment Automation of Geographic Mirroring continuing to reduce the number of steps required to configure PowerHA significantly.

FlashCopy Automation

The integration of IBM FlashSystem FlashCopy technologies is enhanced with integrated automation to simplify FlashCopy operations that previously required externally developed tools and scripts that performed multi-node operations.

The following operations are now automated:

  • SVC FlashCopy verifies the replication state if the FlashCopy is at the target side of replication and prompts the user to confirm if replication is not active.

  • The ability to automatically quiesce the production copy when performing a FlashCopy operation using the new source ASP Action (SRCASPACN) parameter.

  • A new target ASP Action (TGTASPACN) parameter provides support for automatically varying on a FlashCopy target ASP.

STRSVCSSN with SRCASPACN force write, and TGTASPACN of vary on. This performs a force write of the production ASP, then performs a FlashCopy operation, and finally varies on the target ASP

Switchover Progress Monitoring

In 7.4 PowerHA HA 4.5.1, it is now easier than ever to watch and monitor planned switchover and unplanned failover operations from a single node within a PowerHA environment using the new Display CRG Activity (DSPCRGACT) command.

Enhanced Deployment Automation

Deploying Geographic Mirroring now requires fewer commands with the following enhancements:

  • Support for automatically generating copy descriptions and/or session names for geographic mirroring when using CFGGEOMIR.

  • The new start indicator to CFGGEOMIR automatically starts the cluster resource group (CRG), varies on the IASP, and if necessary, resumes replication.

With this new enhancement, the following command example configures Geographic Mirroring including automatically starting the CRG and varying on the independent ASP and starts replication:


Additional Enhancements

There are several additional enhancements to PowerHA, including: Continued simplification of PowerHA commands.

Enhancement Availability



Included in PTF Groups



Included in PTF Groups

7.2 PowerHA (for IBM i 7.2 and 7.3)


7.2 SF99776 level 18

7.3 SF99876 level 15

7.4 PowerHA


7.4 SF99666 level 7

Note: Above are highlights from this PTF release. See the PowerHA Release notes for the full list of fixes and enhancements.

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