The QUSRBRM.REMOVE_NETWORK_SYSTEM procedure removes a system from the BRMS network.
Authorization: The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include the following:
*EXECUTE SQL privilege on this procedure
The BRMS Network feature is required.
The schema is QUSRBRM.
system-name (Required)
Specifies the system name to be removed from the BRMS network.
Possible values are:
system-name | The system name to be removed from the BRMS network. Note: The system format is nnnnnnnn.ssssssss where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and ssssssss is the local location name. |
media-action (Optional)
Specifies what to do with the media entries in the media management files that are owned by the system being removed from the network.
Possible values are:
KEEP | Specifies to keep the media entries in the media management files with the system ownership staying the same. This is the default behavior. |
REMOVE | Specifies to remove the media entries in the media management files that are owned by the system being removed from the network. |
RENAME | Specifies to keep the media entries in the media management files but change the system ownership of the media to a different system name. |
history-action (Optional)
Specifies whether media content information will be received by the local system from the specified remote system being removed from the network.
NOTE: This parameter is ignored when using MEDIA_ACTION=>'RENAME'
Possible values are:
KEEP | Specifies to keep the history information in the history management files with the system ownership staying the same. This is the default behavior. |
REMOVE | Specifies to remove the history information in the history management files that are owned by the system being removed from the network. |
new-system-name (Optional)
Specifies the new system name that will be assigned as the owner of the media and history content for the system being removed from the network.
NOTE: This parameter is required when using MEDIA_ACTION=>'RENAME'
Possible values are:
new-system-name | Specifies the new system name that will be assigned as the owner of the media and history content. NOTE:
Example 1:To remove a remote system named APPN.PROD1 keeping the media and history information the same:
Example 2:To remove a remote system named APPN.PROD1 renaming the media and history information to the system name of APPN.NEWSYS:
Error Messages
The following SQL States and error messages may be returned by this procedure.
U0001 | System name is not valid. |
U0002 | System name not found. |
U0003 | Media action not valid. Must be KEEP, REMOVE or RENAME. |
U0004 | History action not valid. Must be KEEP or REMOVE. |
U0005 | New system name is not valid. |
U0006 | New system name is required when using MEDIA_ACTION=>RENAME. |
U0007 | New system name is only valid with MEDIA_ACTION=>RENAME. |
U0008 | Remove Network System failed. |
U9997 | Functional authority to BRMS Enterprise QIBM_Q1A_SYS required. |
U9998 | BRMS Network Functions features required. |
U9999 | Illegal execution. |
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