Shadowing the System Distribution Directory

Shadowing the System Distribution Directory

The System Distribution Directory contains functionality called shadowing, allowing the system distribution directory entries to be replicated from one system to another.

Shadowing uses the terms supplier and collector to describe how the systems are related to one another. A system that is supplying directory information to other systems is referred to as a supplier. A system that is receiving directory information from other systems is referred to as a collector.

All system distribution directory entries are shadowed with the following exceptions:

  • The *ANY directory entries

  • Mail indicator field

  • Print cover page filed

  • Indirect user field

  • User profile field

  • Preferred address field

  • IBM Supplied directory entries

  • Distribution Lists

  • Nicknames

Before you Begin

The system distribution directory shadow functionality uses Enterprise Extender. Ensure that UDP ports 12000 through 12004 are open in any firewall that exists between the systems.


Configuring Enterprise Extender between the IBM i Nodes

  1. Ensure that network attributes allow enterprise extender on all nodes:

    1. Ensure Allow HPR Transport Tower Support (ALWHPRTWR) is enabled.

      1. To view the parameter, use the DSPNETA command.

      2. To set the parameter, use the following command: CHGNETA ALWHPRTWR(*YES)

    2. Ensure Allow APPN Virtual Support (ALWVRTAPPN) is enabled

      1. To view the parameter, PNETA command.

      2. To set the parameter, use the following command: CHGNETA ALWVRTAPPN(*YES)

  2. Display the Network Attributes using the DSPNETA command for each system and gather the following information:

    1. Local Network ID (LCLNETID)

    2. Local Control Point Name (LCLCPNAME)

  3. Get the IP addresses for each system. For example, CFGTCP, Option 1 can be used to view the local interfaces and select the IP addresses you wish to use for this connection.

  4. Create the APPC controller using the CRTCTLAPPC command on each system.







Local IP Interface Address

Local Network ID



Local Control Point Name



On NODEA the following command is used:


On NODEB the following command is used:


Note: A value must be specified in the LCLINTNETA parameter other than *SYS.

5. Vary on the APPN Controllers using the following command on all nodes:


A virtual APPN controller is created called QAPENDxxxx, and this is where the APPC device is attached. The original APPC controller that is created above will have a state of varied on; this is the default.

Configuring Directory Shadowing

  1. On the collector system (the system receiving directory entries), add the supplier system with the ADDDIRSHD command specifying a frequency. In the example below a frequency of weekly is used: ADDDIRSHD SYSNAME(NODEA) INZ(*APPC *YES) FRQ(*WEEKLY)

  2. Start directory shadowing using the STRDIRSHD command.

  3. Use the Work with Directory Shadow Suppliers command WRKDIRSHD to verify that shadowing was successful.


System Distribution Directory shadowing is now configured between the systems and will run at the interval specified in the frequency on the ADDDIRSHD command.

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