Sequence of Events when Running a BRMS Control Group

Sequence of Events when Running a BRMS Control Group

When a BRMS control group starts, the following sequence of events occurs:

1.Run First Exit (Pre-Exit) if it exists at sequence 10 in the control group. Note that only the exit in the control group is run. If additional *EXITs exist at sequence 20 and on, they will be run as part of the normal control group processing.
2.Check for device availability.
3.Sign off interactive users, if this is configured in the control group attributes.
4.Hold job queue, if they have being added using Option 10 on the control group.
5.End the Lotus servers, if configured, using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
6.Shut down the Netfinity servers, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
7.Shut down the hosted logical partitions, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
8.End the TCP/IP servers, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
9.End subsystems, if configured using Option 9 on the control group.

When a BRMS control group works on the first backup item:

  1. BRMS searches for a volume to save data.
  2. Once a volume is found, BRMS tries to mount the volume.
  3. If a volume is found and mounted, the tape drive is reserved for the system job.

When a BRMS control group ends, the follow sequence of events occurs:

1.Unload the tape, if specified in the control group attributes.

If the control group is set to IPL, run the last *EXIT if it exists.

If the system is set to IPL and Run Maintenance is set to *YES in the attributes, it will first run maintenance.
4.IPL the system (the rest of the steps will not be run).


If not IPLing the system, restart the controlling subsystem. Note that if Option 9 on the control group is set to the following, the controlling subsystem will not be restarted:
  Seq    Subsystem    Library       Option     Delay       Restart  
    10    *ALL        *ALL          *CNTRLD    1200        *NO    


  • If you are IPLing the system and it does not IPL because it is outside the IPL time limits window, and you have Restart set to *NO, it will not start the subsystems up.
  • If a control group is set to IPL a file in BRMS is updated when the control group is run. When the startup program is run after the IPL and subsystem QSYSWRK is started it runs Autostart job QBRMSTRUP. This reads the file and starts the subsystems that have been setup with "Opt 9=Subsystems to process" from the main control group menu.   
6.Release any job queues, if they were set to be held and are set to be released (Option 10 on the control group).
7.Start any subsystems, if they are set in Option 9 on the control group to be restarted.
8.Run the last *EXIT (Post-exit), if it exits and the system will not IPL.
9.Start the TCP/IP servers, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
10.Start the Integrated Netfinity servers, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
11.Start the hosted logical partitions, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
12.Start the Lotus servers, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
13.Run BRMS maintenance, if configured using BRMS GUI plug-in (iNavigator or Web Director).
14.Run Auto Duplication of media, if set up in the media policy.


  1. If there are no active items to be saved, any subsystems or job queues specified under Option 9 or 10 from the WRKCTLGBRM screen will not be processed. For more information, see Rochester i Global Support Center knowledge base document N1011980, Using *Exits in BRMS Control Groups.
  2. If multiple *EXITS exist at the beginning or at the end of a control group, only the first and last *EXITs are run as pre or post. All other *EXITs are part of the control group.

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