Functionality Previously Provided by IBM Lab Services PowerHA Tools for IBM i

Functionality Previously Provided by IBM Lab Services PowerHA Tools for IBM i

Over time much of the functionality provided in the Lab Services PowerHA Tools has been implemented in the core product. The below table lists Lab Services Toolkit Functionality and the PowerHA equivalent functionality, as well as the availability of the functionality in the core PowerHA product.

Toolkit Functionality


PowerHA Equivalent


Toolkit Functionality


PowerHA Equivalent



Adds all user profiles to the Admin Domain

PowerHA enhanced the ADDCADMRE command to accept wildcards with omits. This manages group profiles and non-group profiles automatically. Documentation is available here.

7.4 HA 4.0.1 PTF Group 2 (December 2019)


After changing QRETSVRSEC system value to 1, resets user profiles with a *NONE password so they can be added

PowerHA eliminated the need to change user profile passwords after changing the QRETSVRSEC system value, eliminating the need for this functionality. In the future we plan to eliminate the need to set the system value

7.2 – PTF Group 13
7.3 – PTF Group 10
7.4  - PTF Group 2
(January 2020)


Used to determine if the environment is ready to be switched

PowerHA automatically runs health checks in the environment at regular intervals and updates the CRG node eligibility status. This is available in PowerHA 7.1 and above.



Exit program used for adding new profiles to the admin domain

PowerHA provided a new policy: QCST_AD_CREATE allowing users to add resources to the admin domain automatically on creation. See the documentation here.

7.4 GA


CRG used for deleting profiles cluster wide

PowerHA provided a new policy: QHA_AD_DELETE allowing users to delete resources across nodes in the admin domain automatically on deletion of the resource via any mechanism (no special delete command needed). See the documentation here.

7.4 GA

IASP Manager - FlashCopy Automation (SVC)

Provides additional automation for the management of FlashCopy by automating the following items:

  1. Quiesce production IASP

  2. Starting a PowerHA FlashCopy

  3. Varying on FlashCopy target IASP

  4. Run a customized backup program

  5. Vary off the IASP on the FlashCopy target node once backups are complete

PowerHA now provides integrated FlashCopy automation for Spectrum Virtualize (SVC) based storage, including IBM FlashSystems for the following steps:

  1. Quiesce production IASP

  2. Starting a PowerHA FlashCopy

  3. Varying on FlashCopy target IASP

  4. Calling an exit program on the target node

In addition, when ending the FlashCopy, vary off the IASP on the FlashCopy target node

7.4 HA 4.5.1 and 7.2 HA 3.7 PTFs (June 2021)

Enhanced with 7.4 HA 4.6.1 and 7.2 HA 3.8 PTFs (December 2021)

Enhanced with 7.5 HA 5.2.2, 7.4 HA 4.8.2 and 7.3 3.10 PTFs (December 2022)

IASP Manager – Remote Copy

Provides switching support for DS8000 Metro Mirror, or Global Mirror

PowerHA provides integrated support for DS8000 including recent support for DS8000 storage managed by IBM Copy Services Manager. This includes automating the process of varying off the IASP, automated health checks and more.


IASP Manager – LUN Level Switching

Automate the switch of a set of DS8000 LUNs between two IBM i hosts

PowerHA provides this functionality natively for DS8000 and Spectrum Virtualize (SVC) based storage


IASP Manager (Metro Global Mirror/Multi-Target Copy)

Provides 3-site replication support for DS8000

PowerHA introduced DS8000 HyperSwap+Global Mirror which provides 3-site support directly within PowerHA environments via HyperSwap+Global Mirror. See the documentation here.

7.2 (March 2019 PTF)
7.4 GA


Set failover actions/retrieve failover actions – Cancel automatic failovers

PowerHA provided a new policy QCST_CRG_CANCEL_FAILOVER that allows users to cancel automatic failovers. See the documentation here.

7.4 GA


Automate addition of job descriptions, subsystem descriptions, authorization lists and classes to the admin domain.

PowerHA provided a new policy: QCST_AD_CREATE allowing users to add resources to the admin domain automatically on creation. See the documentation here.

7.4 GA


Retrieve commands to programmatically retrieve PowerHA/Cluster information

PowerHA has the following equivalent commands:



Used to programmatically retrieve ASP session or SVC session information found in the DSPASPSSN or DSPSVCSSN command

PowerHA provides the following commands depending on session type (ASP,SVC,CSM):




start all cluster nodes

The PowerHA STRCLUNOD command has a default value of *ALL for node that will automatically start any inactive nodes, starting with the local node.

7.2 HA 3.5 PTF
7.4 HA 4.3.1 PTF
(December 2020)



Used to identify *JOBD,*SBSD,*CLS,*AUTL not in the admin domain

ADDCADMRE has been enhanced with *ALL. If used, a confirmation panel shows all of a specified object type not in the admin domain, with the option to confirm and add to the admin domain. See the documentation here.

7.4 HA 4.0.1 PTF Group 2 (December 2019)


Used to identify user profiles not in the admin domain

ADDCADMRE has been enhanced. If used with *ALL, a confirmation panel shows all user profiles that are not in the admin domain, with the option to confirm and add to the admin domain. See the documentation here.

7.4 HA 4.0.1 PTF Group 2 (December 2019)


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