The QUSRBRM.MAINTENANCE_POLICY view returns a single row that shows the settings to be used when STRMNTBRM is run by a control group backup.
The authorization ID of the statement must include the following privileges:
*OBJOPR and *READ authority to the QUSRBRM/MAINT_PCY object.
Result Table
The following table describes the columns in the view. The schema is QUSRBRM.
Column Name | System Column Name | Data Type | Description |
EXPIRE_MEDIA | EXPMEDIA | CHAR(3) | Specifies if media should be expired. The possible values are:
EXPIRE_PARTIAL_SET | EXPPARTSET | CHAR(3) | Specifies if partial sets should be expired. The possible values are:
REMOVE_MEDIA_INFO | RMVMEDINF | CHAR(7) | Specifies which information should be removed from the BRMS media content inventory. The possible values are:
RETAIN_OBJECT_DETAIL | RTNOBJDTL | CHAR(6) | Specifies the number of days to keep object level detail. The possible values are:
RETAIN_LINK_DETAIL | RTNLNKDTL | CHAR(6) | Specifies the number of days to keep link level detail. The possible values are:
RETAIN_SPLF_DETAIL | RTNSPLFDTL | CHAR(6) | Specifies the number of days to keep spooled file level detail. The possible values are:
RETAIN_FOLDER_DETAIL | RTNFLRDTL | CHAR(6) | Specifies the number of days to keep folder level detail. The possible values are:
REMOVE_MIGRATION_INFO | RTNMGRINFO | CHAR(6) | Specifies how old in number of days that migration information should be before it is removed. The possible values are:
RUN_MOVE_POLICIES | RUNMOVPCY | CHAR(3) | Specifies if move policies should be run. The possible values are:
LOG_ENTRIES_DAYS | LOGENTDAYS | SMALLINT | Specifies how old in number of days that log entries should be before they are removed. The possible values are:
RUN_CLEANUP | RUNCLEANUP | CHAR(3) | Specifies if clean up should be run. The possible values are:
RETRIEVE_VOLUME_STATS | RTVVOLSTAT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if volume statistics should be retrieved. The possible values are:
MEDIA_AUDIT | MEDAUDIT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if shared media attributes should be audited. The possible values are:
CHANGE_JOURNALS | CHGJRNS | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the receivers for the BRMS journals should be changed. The possible values are:
EXPIRED_MEDIA_REPORT | EXPMEDRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the expired media report should be run. The possible values are:
VERSION_REPORT | VERRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the version control report should be run. The possible values are:
MEDIA_INFO_REPORT | MEDINFRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the media info report should be run. The possible values are:
RECOVERY_ACTIVITIES_REPORT | RCYACTRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the recovery activities report should be run. The possible values are:
SYSTEM_RECOVERY_REPORT | SYSRCYRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the recovery analysis report should be run. The possible values are:
SAVE_EXCEPTIONS_REPORT | SAVEXCRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the save strategy exceptions report should be run. The possible values are:
SYSTEM_INFO_REPORT | SYSINFRPT | CHAR(3) | Specifies if the PRTSYSINF command should be run. The possible values are:
View all maintenance policy values:
View all ‘retain detail’ maintenance policy values:
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