Column Name | System Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CONTROL_GROUP | CGNAME | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the BRMS control group. |
SEQUENCE | SEQUENCE | INTEGER | The sequence number of the backup item. |
BACKUP_ITEM | BKUITEM | VARCHAR(10) | Backup items are the name of the libraries, special values, and lists that you want to back up using this backup control group. The possible values are: *ALLCHGRCV Save journal receivers that have not been saved since they were last changed. *ALLDTCRCV Save detached journal receivers that have not been saved since they were detached. *ALLDLO Saves all documents, folders, or distribution objects (mail). *ALLPROD Saves the user libraries with a type of *PROD. *ALLTEST Saves the user libraries with a type of *TEST. *ALLUSR Saves all user libraries. *ASPnn Saves the user libraries from basic user auxiliary storage pool nn. The valid range of nn is 01 to 32. *DLOnn Saves the documents, folders, or distribution objects (mail) from basic user auxiliary storage pool nn. The valid range of nn is 01 to 32. *EXIT Points within the backup item to the user command to perform. *IBM Saves all system (IBM) libraries. *LINK Saves all IFS directories except files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LNKOMTONL Saves all IFS directories and files except online Lotus server backup files and files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LNKOMTLTS Saves all IFS directories and files except all Lotus server files and files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LTSOMTONL Saves all Lotus server files except online Lotus server files. *LOAD The backup system is to begin a new volume. *QHST Saves history files. *SAVCFG Saves all configurations and system resource management (SRM) objects without requiring a system in a restricted state. *SAVSECDTA All security information is saved without requiring a system in a restricted state. *SAVSYS Saves a the Licensed Internal Code and the QSYS library in a format compatible with the installation of the operating system. *SAVSYSINF Save a subset of operating system information. *SETASPGRP This special operator sets an auxiliary storage pool group for the job running the backup. generic*-library-name The generic library backups that are indicated by an * following a partial character string. list-name The name of a item or list of objects that you want to back up.
BACKUP_ITEM_TYPE | ITEM_TYPE | VARCHAR(4) Nullable | The type of list is displayed. Lists are groups of similar objects grouped together for backup. The possible values are: *FLR The list is a folder list. *LNK The list is an integrated file system object list. *OBJ The list is an object list. *SPL The list is a spooled file list.
Contains the null value if the backup item does not represent a list. |
ASP_DEVICE | ASP_DEVICE | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The auxiliary storage pool device for the backup item. Possible values are: * The save of the backup item includes objects from the system (1), basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32), and if the current thread has an auxiliary storage pool group, all independent auxiliary storage pools in the auxiliary storage pool group. *ALLAVL The save of the backup item includes the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) and all available primary, secondary and UDFS auxiliary storage pools. *CURASPGRP The save of the backup item includes only the currently set auxiliary storage pool group. *SYSBAS The save of the backup item includes only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32). auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name The save of the backup item includes only this named primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool device.
Contains the null value if the backup item does not require the field. |
SUNDAY_BACKUP | SUNDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Sunday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
MONDAY_BACKUP | MONDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Monday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
TUESDAY_BACKUP | TUESDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Tuesday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
WEDNESDAY_BACKUP | WEDNESDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group backup activity to run on Wednesday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
THURSDAY_BACKUP | THURSDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Thursday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
FRIDAY_BACKUP | FRIDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Friday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
SATURDAY_BACKUP | SATURDAY | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The control group entry backup activity to run on Saturday. The possible values are: FULL Indicates a full backup activity. INCREMENTAL Indicates an incremental backup activity. NO Indicates that no backup will be run or the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will not processed. YES Indicates that the special value (*LOAD, *EXIT, *SETASPGRP) will be processed.
RETAIN_OBJECT_DETAIL | OBJDETAIL | VARCHAR(6) Nullable | Whether to keep object detail for a backup item. This possible values are: ERROR Objects that were not saved due to an error condition are identified. MEMBER Object and member detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. NO Do not keep object detail for an entry in the backup items list. OBJECT Object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. YES Save object details for an entry in the backup items list.
Contains the null value if the backup item does not require the field. |
SAVE_WHILE_ACTIVE | SAVACT | VARCHAR(8) | Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. The possible values are: *ALWCKSY Enables integrated file system objects to be saved while they are being updated if the corresponding system attribute for the object is set. This value is equivalent to using the parameters SAVACT(*SYNC) SAVACTOPT(*ALWCKPWRT) on the Save Object (SAV) command. For more information see the Save Object (SAV) command help. *ALWCKWR Enables integrated file system objects to be saved while they are being updated if the corresponding system attribute for the object is set. This value is equivalent to using the parameters SAVACT(*YES) SAVACTOPT(*ALWCKPWRT) on the Save Object (SAV) command. For more information see the Save Object (SAV) command help. *LIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. *LNKALL Enables integrated file system objects to be saved while they are being updated if the corresponding system attribute for the object is set and allows network server storage spaces in directory '/QFPNWSSTG' to be saved when they are active. This value is equivalent to using the parameters SAVACT(*YES) SAVACTOPT(*ALL) on the Save Object (SAV) command. For more information see the Save Object (SAV) command help. *LNKALLS Enables integrated file system objects to be saved while they are being updated if the corresponding system attribute for the object is set and allows network server storage spaces in directory '/QFPNWSSTG' to be saved when they are active. This value is equivalent to using the parameters SAVACT(*SYNC) SAVACTOPT(*ALL) on the Save Object (SAV) command. For more information see the Save Object (SAV) command help. *NO Objects that are in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved. *NWSSTG Objects can be saved and used at the same time. The object checkpoints can occur at different times. Allows network server storage spaces in directory '/QFPNWSSTG' to be saved when they are active. *NWSSYNC Objects can be saved and used at the same time. All of the object checkpoints occur at the same time. Allows network server storage spaces in directory '/QFPNWSSTG' to be saved when they are active. *SYNC IFS Objects can be saved and used at the same time. All of the IFS object checkpoints occur at the same time. *SYNCLIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects and all of the libraries in the save operation reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. *SYSDFN Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other. *YES Document library objects or IFS objects can be changed during the save request. Objects that are in use but are not using application recovery will not be saved. See the Backup and Recovery Book for more information on DLOs, saving while an object is in use, and application recovery. If you use *YES with a non-document library object, *YES functions the same as the *LIB parameter. For IFS objects, checkpoints can occur at different times.
SAVE_WHILE_ACTIVE_MESSAGE_QUEUE_LIBRARY | SWAMSGQLIB | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The name of the library for the message queue to which save while active synchronization messages should be sent is displayed. The possible values are: *DEFAULT The message queue library will be determined in the following order: If the message queue is found in QUSRBRM and is already allocated, (occurs when the MONSWABRM command is used), then QUSRBRM will be used. If the message queue is found in the library list, *LIBL will be used.
*LIBL Use the job's library list to find the message queue specified. library-name The name of the library for the message queue that will contain save while active synchronization messages.
Contains the null value if the backup item object cannot be updated while it is being saved. |
SAVE_WHILE_ACTIVE_MESSAGE_QUEUE | SWAMSGQ | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The name of the message queue to which save while active synchronization messages should be sent is displayed. The possible values are: Contains the null value if the backup item object cannot be updated while it is being saved. |
SYNC_ID | SYNC_ID | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The name of the synchronized checkpoint. This name must also be specified for the Synchronization ID (SYNCID) parameter for each of the participating save operations. Contains the null value if the checkpoint for this save while active operation is not synchronized with any other save while active operations. |
EXIT_COMMAND | EXITCMD | VARCHAR(50) Nullable | The command for each user exit is displayed. Contains the null value if a user exit command is not set. |
PARALLEL_TYPE | PRLTYPE | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | Indicates which type of parallel backup is requested. The possible values are: DEFAULT BRMS will decide the best Parallel Type to use on the backup item. If the backup item doesn't support parallel, then a non parallel backup will be requested. PARALLEL A parallel save format backup is being requested. This will use multiple drives and will create multiple media files that must be used together on the restore. SERIAL A serial save format backup is being requested. This will use multiple drives and create a media file per backup item. On restoring the data, a media definition is not required.
Contains the null value when a parallel backup is not being requested. |
PRIVATE_AUTHORITIES | PRIVAUTH | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | Whether to save private authorities with the objects that are saved. The possible values are: Contains the null value when not applicable to this backup item. |
ENCRYPT | ENCRYPT | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | Whether an encrypted save should be performed. The possible values are: Contains the null value when not applicable to this backup item. |