The QUSRBRM.CONTROL_GROUP view shows BRMS control groups and their defined attributes for the system.
The values returned for the columns in this view are similar to the values returned by the Work with Backup Control Groups (WRKCTLGBRM) command option 8 showing the control group attributes.
The authorization ID of the statement must include the following privileges:
*OBJOPR and *READ authority to the QUSRBRM/CG_VIEW *FILE object.
Result Table
The following table describes the columns in the view. The schema is QUSRBRM.
Column Name | System Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CONTROL_GROUP | CGNAME | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the BRMS control group. |
FULL_MEDIA_POLICY | FULMEDPCY | VARCHAR(10) | The full media policy associated with this control group. The possible values are:
FULL_MEDIA_POLICY_BACKUP_POLICY | FULMEDPCBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The full media policy from the backup policy. Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
FULL_MEDIA_POLICY_SYSTEM_POLICY | FULMEDPCSP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The full media policy from the system policy. Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
INCREMENTAL_MEDIA_POLICY | INCMEDPCY | VARCHAR(10) | The incremental media policy associated with this control group. The possible values are:
INCREMENTAL_MEDIA_POLICY_BACKUP_POLICY | INCMEDPCBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The incremental media policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
INCREMENTAL_MEDIA_POLICY_SYSTEM_POLICY | INCMEDPCSP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The incremental media policy from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Sunday. The possible values are:
SUNDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | SUNDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Sunday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Monday. The possible values are:
MONDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | MONDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Sunday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Tuesday. The possible values are:
TUESDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | TUESDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Tuesday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Wednesday. The possible values are:
WEDNESDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | WEDNESDABP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Wednesday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Thursday. The possible values are:
THURSDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | THURSDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Thursday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Friday. The possible values are:
FRIDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | FRIDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Friday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
| The control group backup to run on Saturday. The possible values are:
SATURDAY_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | SATURDAYBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The Saturday backup policy from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SIGNOFF_INTERACTIVE_USERS | SGNOFFUSR | VARCHAR(7) | Whether BRMS should automatically notify active users that a backup is about to occur and then sign them off for this backup control group. This possible values are:
SIGNOFF_INTERACTIVE_USERS_BACKUP_POLICY | SGNOFFUSBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The sign-off interactive users value from the backup policy. This possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SIGNOFF_INTERACTIVE_USERS_SYSTEM_POLICY | SGNOFFUSSP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The sign-off interactive users value from the system policy. This possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
SIGNOFF_MESSAGE_INTERVAL | SGNOFFMSG | VARCHAR(7) | The maximum time limit in minutes that BRMS automatically notifies users prior to automatically signing off active users for this control group. The possible values are:
SIGNOFF_MESSAGE_INTERVAL_BACKUP_POLICY | SGNOFFMSBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The sign-off message interval value from the backup policy. This possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SIGNOFF_MESSAGE_INTERVAL_SYSTEM_POLICY | SGNOFFMSSP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The sign-off message interval value from the system policy. This possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
DEVICE_NAMES | DEVICES | VARCHAR(43) | The device names used by the backup for this control group. The possible values are:
Note: The string contains 10 character blank separated device names, up to a maximum of 4. |
DEVICE_NAMES_BACKUP_POLICY | DEVICESBP | VARCHAR(43) Nullable | The device names value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Note: The string contains 10 character blank separated device names, up to a maximum of 4. Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
DEVICE_NAMES_SYSTEM_POLICY | DEVICESSP | VARCHAR(43) Nullable | The device names value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Note: The string contains 10 character blank separated device names, up to a maximum of 4. Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
MINIMUM_PARALLEL_RESOURCES | MINPRLRSC | VARCHAR(9) | The minimum number of device resources to be used for parallel save operations during The possible values are:
MAXIMUM_PARALLEL_RESOURCES | MAXPRLRSC | VARCHAR(9) | The maximum number of device resources to be used for parallel save operations during backup control group processing. The possible values are:
INCREMENTAL_TYPE | INCRTYPE | VARCHAR(11) | Specifies the type of incremental (saved changed objects) The possible values are:
INCREMENTAL_TYPE_BACKUP_POLICY | INCRTYPEBP | VARCHAR(11) Nullable | The incremental type value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
FORCE_FULL_BACKUP_DAYS | FORCEFULL | VARCHAR(7) | The number of days prior to the current incremental backup The possible values are:
FORCE_FULL_BACKUP_DAYS_BACKUP_POLICY | FORCEFULBP | VARCHAR(5) Nullable | The force full backup days value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
BACKUP_MEDIA_INFORMATION | BKUMEDINF | VARCHAR(7) | Whether you want to automatically save the media information needed for recovery each time you process this backup control group. The possible values are:
BACKUP_MEDIA_INFORMATION_BACKUP_POLICY | BKUMEDINBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The backup media information value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SAVE_ACCESS_PATHS | SAVACCPTH | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the logical file access paths that are The possible values are:
SAVE_ACCESS_PATHS_BACKUP_POLICY | SAVACCPTBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The save access paths value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SAVE_SAVEFILE_CONTENTS | SAVSAVF | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the description of a save file, or both the description and the contents of a save file, are saved. The possible values are:
SAVE_SAVEFILE_CONTENTS_BACKUP_POLICY | SAVSAVFBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The save savefile contents value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SAVE_SPOOLED_FILE_DATA | SAVSPLDTA | VARCHAR(7) | Whether to save the spooled file data and The possible values are:
SAVE_SPOOLED_FILE_DATA_BACKUP_POLICY | SAVSPLDTBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The save spooled file data value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
SAVE_DATA_QUEUE_DATA | SAVDQDTA | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the description of a data queue, or both the description and the contents of a data queue are saved. The possible values are:
SAVE_DATA_QUEUE_DATA_BACKUP_POLICY | SAVDQDTABP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The save data queue data value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
DATA_COMPRESSION | DTACOMPRS | VARCHAR(7) | Whether data compression is used. The possible values are:
DATA_COMPRESSION_BACKUP_POLICY | DTACOMPRBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The data compression value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
DATA_COMPACTION | DTACOMPCT | VARCHAR(7) | Whether data compaction is used. The possible values are:
DATA_COMPACTION_BACKUP_POLICY | DTACOMPCBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The data compaction value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
TARGET_RELEASE | TGTREL | VARCHAR(8) | The release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. The possible values are:
TARGET_RELEASE_BACKUP_POLICY | TGTRELBP | VARCHAR(8) Nullable | The target release value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
UPDATE_HISTORY_OBJECTS | UPDHSTOBJ | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the save history information of each saved object is The possible values are:
UPDATE_HISTORY_OBJECTS_BACKUP_POLICY | UPDHSTOBBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The update history objects value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
UPDATE_HISTORY_DIRECTORIES | UPDHSTDIR | VARCHAR(9) | Specifies whether to update the file system save history on the objects saved with The possible value are:
UPDATE_HISTORY_DIRECTORIES_BACKUP_POLICY | UPDHSTDIBP | VARCHAR(9) Nullable | The update history directories value from the backup policy. The possible value are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
CLEAR | CLEAR | VARCHAR(7) | Whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. The possible values are:
CLEAR_BACKUP_POLICY | CLEARBP | VARCHAR(5) Nullable | The clear value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
OBJECT_PRECHECK | OBJPRECHK | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved. The possible values are:
OBJECT_PRECHECK_BACKUP_POLICY | OBJPRECHBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The object precheck value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
APPEND_TO_MEDIA | APPENDMED | VARCHAR(7) | Whether to add data files on existing media with active files or to begin a new volume. The possible values are:
APPEND_TO_MEDIA_BACKUP_POLICY | APPENDMEBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The append to media value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
END_OF_MEDIA_OPTION | ENDMEDOPT | VARCHAR(7) | The operation that is automatically done on the tape or optical volume after the save operation ends. The possible values are:
END_OF_MEDIA_OPTION_BACKUP_POLICY | ENDMEDOPBP | VARCHAR(6) Nullable | The end of media option value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
JOURNALED_OBJECTS | JRNOBJS | VARCHAR(7) | Whether to save changed objects that are currently being journaled and that have been journaled since the date and time specified on the REFDATE and REFTIME parameters. The possible values are:
JOURNALED_OBJECTS_BACKUP_POLICY | JRNOBJSBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The journaled objects value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
USE_OPTIMUM_BLOCK | USEOPTBLK | VARCHAR(7) | Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is use for the save operation. The possible values are:
USE_OPTIMUM_BLOCK_BACKUP_POLICY | USEOPTBLBP | VARCHAR(6) Nullable | The use optimum block value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_AFTER_BACKUP | IPLAFTER | VARCHAR(7) | Whether you want to start the system after a The possible values are:
IPL_AFTER_BACKUP_BACKUP_POLICY | IPLAFTERBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The IPL after backup value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_AFTER_BACKUP_SYSTEM_POLICY | IPLAFTERSP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The IPL after backup value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_END_JOBS | IPLENDJOB | VARCHAR(10) | Whether the system allows the IPL to end The possible values are:
IPL_END_JOBS_BACKUP_POLICY | IPLENDJOBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The IPL end jobs value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_END_JOBS_SYSTEM_POLICY | IPLENDJOSP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The IPL end jobs value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
DELAY_TIME | DELAYTIME | VARCHAR(7) | The amount of time, in seconds, that the system allows a controlled end to be performed by the active subsystems. The possible values are:
DELAY_TIME_BACKUP_POLICY | DELAYTIMBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The delay time value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
DELAY_TIME_SYSTEM_POLICY | DELAYTIMSP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The delay time value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
RESTART_AFTER_POWER_DOWN | RESTART | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the system ends and powers down, or whether the system ends and then starts again in unattended mode of operation. The possible values are:
RESTART_AFTER_POWER_DOWN_BACKUP_POLICY | RESTARTBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The restart after power down value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
RESTART_AFTER_POWER_DOWN_SYSTEM_POLICY | RESTARTSP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The restart after power down value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
IPL_SOURCE | IPLSOURCE | VARCHAR(7) | Whether an initial program load (IPL) is started from the A-source or B-source of the system. The possible values are:
IPL_SOURCE_BACKUP_POLICY | IPLSOURCBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The IPL source value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_SOURCE_SYSTEM_POLICY | IPLSOURCSP | VARCHAR(5) Nullable | The IPL source value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
IPL_RESTART_TYPE | IPLRSTTYP | VARCHAR(7) | The point from which the initial program load (IPL) restarts. The possible values are:
IPL_RESTART_TYPE_BACKUP_POLICY | IPLRSTTYBP | VARCHAR(7) Nullable | The IPL restart type value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
IPL_RESTART_TYPE_SYSTEM_POLICY | IPLRSTTYSP | VARCHAR(6) Nullable | The IPL restart type value from the system policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the system policy value was not used. |
SAVE_ACTIVE_WAIT_OBJECT_LOCKS | SWAOBJLCK | VARCHAR(5) | The amount of time to wait for the object to The possible values are:
SAVE_ACTIVE_WAIT_PENDING_RECORDS | SWAPNDREC | VARCHAR(8) | For each group of objects that are checkpointed together, The possible values are:
SAVE_ACTIVE_WAIT_OTHER_PENDING_RECORDS | SWAOTRREC | VARCHAR(5) | For each library, specifies the amount of time to wait for The possible values are:
EXIT_PROGRAM | EXITPGM | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the exit program called following processing of one or more backup items in backup control groups. The possible values are:
EXIT_PROGRAM_BACKUP_POLICY | EXITPGMBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The exit program value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
EXIT_PROGRAM_LIBRARY | EXITLIB | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the library containing the exit program. The possible values are:
EXIT_PROGRAM_LIBRARY_BACKUP_POLICY | EXITLIBBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The exit program library value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
EXIT_PROGRAM_FORMAT | EXITFMT | VARCHAR(8) | The name of the format defining the information passed to The possible values are:
Contains the null value if no exit program is set. |
EXIT_PROGRAM_FORMAT_BACKUP_POLICY | EXITFMTBP | VARCHAR(8) Nullable | The exit program format value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
MISSED_OBJECT_POLICY | MISOBJPCY | VARCHAR(10) | Specifies the name of backup control group used to track missed objects during backup control group processing. The possible values are:
MISSED_OBJECT_POLICY_BACKUP_POLICY | MISOBJPCBP | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The missed objects policy value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
CLEAR_MISSED_OBJECTS | CLRMISOBJ | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the missed object policy is cleared of previous missed objects when backup control group processing begins. The possible values are:
CLEAR_MISSED_OBJECTS_BACKUP_POLICY | CLRMISOBBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The clear missed objects value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
JOURNALING_REPORT | JRNREPORT | VARCHAR(10) Nullable | The name of the object list for which you want to check journaling status. Contains the null value if the journaling status check will not be performed. |
ASYNCHRONOUS_BRING | ASYNCBRNG | VARCHAR(7) | Whether objects should be asynchronously brought into memory The possible values are:
ASYNCHRONOUS_BRING_BACKUP_POLICY | ASYNCBRNBP | VARCHAR(3) Nullable | The asynchronous bring value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
LIBRARY_ORDER | LIBORDER | VARCHAR(7) | The order libraries will be written to media The possible values are:
LIBRARY_ORDER_BACKUP_POLICY | LIBORDERBP | VARCHAR(4) Nullable | The library order value from the backup policy. The possible values are:
Contains the null value to indicate that the backup policy value was not used. |
ALLOW_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE | ALWACTOVR | VARCHAR(3) | Whether activity overrides are allowed when running the Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) command. The possible values are:
ALLOW_RETENTION_OVERRIDE | ALWRETOVR | VARCHAR(3) | Whether retention overrides are allowed when running the Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) command. The possible values are:
TCPIP_SERVERS_ACTION | TCPIPSRV | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the TCP/IP servers are ended or restarted. The possible values are:
LOTUS_SERVERS_ACTION | LOTUSSRV | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the Lotus servers are ended or restarted. The possible values are:
INTEGRATED_WINDOWS_SERVERS_ACTION | INTWINSRV | VARCHAR(7) | Whether the Integrated Windows servers are varied off or varied on. The possible values are:
GUEST_PARTITIONS_ACTION | GUESTPART | VARCHAR(7) | Whether guest partitions are varied off or varied on. The possible values are:
UNMOUNT_UDFS | UNMTUDFS | VARCHAR(3) | Whether user-defined file systems are unmounted prior to The possible values are:
RUN_MAINTENANCE | RUNMAINT | VARCHAR(3) | Whether maintenance is run after the backup is complete. The possible values are:
LAST_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP | CHANGETIME | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp for when the control group was last changed. |
LAST_CHANGE_USER | CHANGEUSER | VARCHAR(10) | The user profile that last changed the control group. |
TEXT | TEXT | VARCHAR(50) Nullable | The text that describes the control group that you are Contains the null value when no text describing the control group is defined. |
To get the resolved value for parameters that allow *BKUPCY and *SYSPCY, use the COALESCE function with the system policy column, backup policy column, and the control group column.
Example: To retrieve the Full media policy, use: COALESCE(FULMEDPCSP, FULMEDPCBP, FULMEDPCY) as FULL_MEDIA_POLICY
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