The QUSRBRM.SYSTEM_POLICY view shows the BRMS system policy attributes defined for the system.
The values returned for the columns in this view are similar to the values returned by the Work with Policies using BRM (WRKPCYBRM) command TYPE(*SYS).
The authorization ID of the statement must include the following privileges:
*OBJOPR and *READ authority to the QUSRBRM/SYS_POLICY *FILE object.
Result Table
The following table describes the columns in the view. The schema is QUSRBRM.
Column Name | System Column Name | Data Type | Description |
MEDIA_POLICY | MED_PCY | VARCHAR(10) | The full media policy associated with this control group. The possible values are:
DEVICE_NAMES | DEVICES | VARCHAR(43) | The device names used by the backup for this control group. The possible values are:
Note: The device-names string contains 10 character blank separated device names, up to a maximum of 4. |
HOME_LOCATION | HOME_LOC | VARCHAR(10) | The default home location for media managed by BRMS. The possible values are:
MEDIA_CLASS | MED_CLASS | VARCHAR(10) | The media class that you want to use as the default media class. |
SIGNOFF_INTERACTIVE_USERS | SGNOFFUSR | VARCHAR(3) | Whether BRMS should automatically notify active users that a backup is about to occur and then sign them off for this backup control group. The possible values are:
SIGNOFF_MESSAGE_INTERVAL | SGNOFFMSG | SMALLINT | The maximum time limit in minutes that BRMS automatically notifies users prior to automatically signing off active users for this control group. The value can range from 0 to 999 minutes. |
OUTPUT_QUEUE_LIBRARY | OUTQLIB | VARCHAR(10) | The library name of the output queue that is used for output of the print job. The possible values are:
OUTPUT_QUEUE | OUTQ | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the output queue that is used for output of the print job. The possible values are:
DAY_START_TIME | DAY_START | TIME | The time of day that BRMS will use as the start of a new day. The time is expressed in 24-hour clock format. |
MEDIA_MONITOR_ACTIVE | MON_ACTIVE | VARCHAR(3) | The status of the BRMS media monitor function. The possible values are:
SHARED_INVENTORY_DELAY | SHRINVDLY | SMALLINT | The number of seconds between checks to determine if media activity has occurred and should be transferred to other systems in the network group. The value can range from 30 to 9999 seconds. |
AUTO_ENROLL_MEDIA | AUTOENROLL | VARCHAR(3) | Whether BRMS should automatically add media used in output operations to the media inventory if the request has been done using a BRMS media class. The possible values are:
CONTROLLED_END_DELAY | CTRL_DELAY | VARCHAR(9) | The time to wait for all subsystems to end when taking the system to restricted state. The possible values are:
ABNORMAL_END_DELAY | ABN_DELAY | VARCHAR(7) | The time to wait for all subsystems to end before ending active jobs with end job abnormal. The possible values are:
END_SERVERS_WAIT_TIME | END_WAIT | SMALLINT | The time to wait for TCP/IP or Lotus servers to end before ending all subsystems. The range for the end servers wait time is 0 - 9,999 seconds. |
ALLOW_BACKUPS_IN_BATCH | BKU_BATCH | VARCHAR(3) | Whether users are allowed to submit backups for batch processing in the controlling subsystem using the *CTLSBS special value for the SBMJOB parameter on the STRBKUBRM command. The possible values are:
RESTRICTED_STATE_TIME_LIMIT | RESTRICT_T | VARCHAR(5) | The amount of time that the backup is allowed to remain in restricted state when running as a batch job in the controlling subsystem. The possible values are:
ALLOW_ALTERNATIVE_INPUT_MEDIA | ALT_MEDIA | VARCHAR(3) | Whether to use alternate media when the requested input media is not available. The possible values are:
VOLUME_PREFIX | VOL_PREFIX | VARCHAR(3) | The volume prefix to use when media is added to BRMS that has a volume identifier greater than six characters. The volume prefix can be 1 - 3 characters. Valid characters for the volume prefix are 0 - 9 and A - Z. |
ENABLE_FULL_SYSTEM_FLASHCOPY | FLASH_COPY | VARCHAR(3) | Whether the FlashCopy function in BRMS is enabled. The possible values are:
BRMS_JOB_DESCRIPTION_LIBRARY | BRMJOBDLIB | VARCHAR(10) | The library of the job description to be used for any jobs that BRMS uses to perform various functions outside of the current job scope. The possible values are:
BRMS_JOB_DESCRIPTION | BRMJOBD | VARCHAR(10) | The job description to be used for any jobs that BRMS uses to perform various functions outside of the current job scope. The possible values are:
BRMS_JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY | BRMJOBQLIB | VARCHAR(10) | The library of the job queue in which additional BRMS jobs are placed. The possible values are:
BRMS_JOB_QUEUE | BRMJOBQ | VARCHAR(10) | The job queue in which additional BRMS jobs are placed. The possible values are:
FLIGHT_RECORDER_SIZE | FLIGHT_SIZ | SMALLINT | The flight recorder size that BRMS will use for each of the BRMS flight recorders. The size is in megabytes. The range 1 - 999 megabytes. |
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_QUEUE_LIBRARY | NTFYMSGQL | VARCHAR(10) | The library of the message queue to receive BRMS messages. The possible values are:
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_QUEUE | NTFYMSGQ | VARCHAR(10) | The name of the message queue to receive BRMS messages. The possible values are:
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_SEVERITY | NTFYMSGSEV | SMALLINT | The message severity number that indicates which BRMS messages should go to the BRMS message queue. All messages with message severity greater than or equal to this value with go to the BRMS message queue. The range is 0 - 99. |
INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY | INQ_REPLY | VARCHAR(9) | Specifies the way that predefined messages that are sent as a result of running BRMS jobs are answered. The possible values are:
JOBS_CONCURRENT_WITH_MAINTENANCE | CONC_MAINT | VARCHAR(7) | Specifies how the system processes concurrent BRMS jobs while the BRMS maintenance job is active. The possible values are:
LOG_ALL_MESSAGES | LOGALLMSGS | VARCHAR(3) | Specifies whether BRMS should include all messages that occur during BRMS command processing in the BRM log. The possible values are:
IPL_AFTER_BACKUP | IPL_AFTER | VARCHAR(3) | Whether you want to start the system after a The possible values are:
IPL_END_JOBS | IPL_ENDJOB | VARCHAR(10) | Whether the system allows the IPL to end The possible values are:
DELAY_TIME | DELAY_TIME | VARCHAR(7) | The amount of time, in seconds, that the system allows a controlled end to be performed by the active subsystems. The possible values are:
RESTART_AFTER_POWER_DOWN | RESTART | VARCHAR(3) | Whether the system ends and powers down, or whether the system ends and then starts again in unattended mode of operation. The possible values are:
IPL_SOURCE | IPL_SOURCE | VARCHAR(5) | Whether an initial program load (IPL) is started from the A-source or B-source of the system. The possible values are:
IPL_RESTART_TYPE | IPL_TYPE | VARCHAR(6) | The point from which the initial program load (IPL) restarts. The possible values are:
EARLIEST_IPL_TIME | IPL_EARLY | TIME | Specifies the earliest time that an IPL may be started by BRMS. The earliest time to allow an IPL is expressed in 24-hour clock format. |
LATEST_IPL_TIME | IPL_LATE | TIME | Specifies the latest time that an IPL may be started by BRMS. The latest time to allow an IPL is expressed in 24-hour clock format. |
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